“Bloom where you’re planted” took on a new significance for me as I snapped this wildflower’s photo. It’s stuck in the middle of a gravel path yet reaches for the sunshine, shows it’s lovely face and proclaims the one who gives it life.
You and I can do that, too. No matter where we find ourselves we can tell others of the one who gives life. It’s that simple and that profound. God knows what He’s doing. He put us right where we are to proclaim Jesus to everyone on our path.
I recall a time I visited my grandpa in the hospital He was not planted in a fantastic place or circumstance and yet he bloomed. When the cleaning lady came in to tidy up the room, grandpa reminded her that she was the only one making a difference by cleaning his room that day. He brought light and life to his hospital room at that moment. He shared Jesus with her.
Let’s do that, too. Let’s grow in the Light, show our lovely faces and reveal the One who created us for abundant new life. Jesus said, “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But I came to give life–life in all its fullness.” John 10:10
You and I can give the most valuable thing we have away. No, we won’t do it perfectly, but no worries. We are merely called to point to the only Perfect One. He will open the hearts and minds of the people planted next to us. They need to know Jesus, too.
It can make an eternal difference, if only we bloom where we’re planted.