The stone rolled across the entrance of the tomb was as big as a door and weighed more than a car. Soldiers guarded the tomb, but they were no match for God’s angel. It took just one angel to roll the stone away. The guards were so afraid they fainted.
Early Sunday morning as the sun was rising, two women came to Jesus’ tomb. They were surprised to find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty. Where was Jesus body? The angel said, “He has risen.” Jesus came back to life. He kept His promise. Death didn’t win. Jesus won! He came back to life to show those who believe in him they can live forever, too. Aren’t you glad the story of Easter is true?
Thank you Father God, for loving us so much that you gave your only Son, Jesus. Even though He never did anything wrong, He died a painful death for every wrong thing I’ve ever done. I trust Him to forgive me. I trust Him to be my King. Since Jesus won over sin and death, I can only imagine what He will do in my life! Thank you Jesus, Amen.
(c) Elaine Tomski, Author of “Behind My Bellybutton
The stone rolled across the entrance of the tomb was as big as a door and weighed more than a car. Soldiers guarded the tomb, but they were no match for God’s angel. It took just one angel to roll the stone away. The guards were so afraid they fainted.
Early Sunday morning as the sun was rising, two women came to Jesus’ tomb. They were surprised to find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty. Where was Jesus body? The angel said, “He has risen.” Jesus came back to life. He kept His promise. Death didn’t win. Jesus won! He came back to life to show those who believe in him they can live forever, too. Aren’t you glad the story of Easter is true?
Thank you Father God, for loving us so much that you gave your only Son, Jesus. Even though He never did anything wrong, He died a painful death for every wrong thing I’ve ever done. I trust Him to forgive me. I trust Him to be my King. Since Jesus won over sin and death, I can only imagine what He will do in my life! Thank you Jesus, Amen.
(c) Elaine Tomski, Author of “Behind My Bellybutton